Québec’s police officers may have to intervene in schools in three different situations: prevention and community relations, emergencies, and investigations. The Reference Framework encourages educational institutions to use this tool to establish a protocol agreement with police forces, as well as an action plan that promotes consultation between all partners in the school network and respects the rights of students.
In French only
The goal of this plan is to promote well-being at school and to prevent bullying and violence in all forms. The measures in the new prevention plan are broken down into four broad actions:
- Document
- Analyze and understand violent situations in schools for the purpose of planning the correct action to be put into place according to various needs and contexts
- Train
- Ensure students’ and school personnel’s sense of well-being and develop in both, the personal and social competencies required to prevent violence at school
- Raise awareness
- Call upon the general population to pay attention to and be involved in violence prevention and well-being in schools
- Support
- Offer schools sustained, effective assistance in preventing violence and bullying and promoting positive mental health
In french only
Factsheet – Section 3 of the compulsory training for members of Governing Boards
Anti-bullying and violence plan
The main objective of this action plan is to prevent all forms of bullying and violence towards students, teachers, and all other members of school staff and to intervene in any such incidents.
In french only
Québec is committed to inclusion and to respect for the rights and well-being of sexual and gender diverse individuals.
Government Action Plan Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2023-2028
The 44 measures contained in the action plan aim to recognize and respect sexual and gender diversity and to strengthen community networks and the overall consistency of government actions. The government’s commitment is to reduce the inequalities and violence aimed at LGBTQ+ individuals, to respond to the needs of LGBTQ+ communities, and to strengthen efforts to prevent and combat conversion therapies.
In french only
Briser le cycle de l’exploitation sexuelle
Plan d’action gouvernemental 2021-2026 en réponse aux recommandations de la Commission spéciale sur l’exploitation sexuelle des mineurs
The action plan is intended to work on all fronts to confront this problem in Québec. Given that the average age of entering the world of prostitution is between 14 and 15 years old, most of the measures were devised based on the realities of minors.
In French only
Working Together Toward a Society Free of Bullying
Concerted Action Plan to Prevent and Counter Bullying and Cyberbullying 2020-2025
This plan is intended to make Québec a place where bullying is not accepted and where caring behaviours are valued. The objectives of the action plan are as follows:
- • Raise public awareness and promote positive behaviours to prevent and counter bullying
- • Carry out Interventions with people who are victims, witnesses or perpetrators of acts of bullying
- • Support action and innovation in the different communities
- • Improve knowledge and promote the transfer of innovative practices
In french only
Promote mental health, a positive school climate and violence prevention
Planning Guide for Continuous Support of Well-being in School
If we understand that happy children and teenagers learn better, and that their well-being is contingent on that of school staff, it only makes sense to plan to take aim at several targets at once, without, however, wearing ourselves out.
Mental health, well-being, school climate, social and emotional competencies, as well as violence in schools, are the main challenges currently facing the education community.
This guide offers various research-based tools and strategies to help in planning and evaluating your action with a view to continued improvement.