• Our goal: a safe, welcoming and inclusive school environment
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Sexual violence

Method to promote prevention and raise awareness among elementary and high school students as regards the growing phenomenon of sexting. It also offers an innovative intervention method to quickly and effectively counter this scourge and limit the significant repercussions it can entail.

Help line 24 hrs

SOS violence conjugale

A resource for those who want more information and wish to better understand/more clearly and which is addressed/aimed at/intended for those who need help, or who want to help someone or who work with victims.

Ligne d’écoute 24\24

Sexual Violence Helpline

The source of resources for anyone affected by sexual assault, sexual exploitation or any other form of sexual violence.

In French only

This training course is designed to support staff members in elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities by teaching them how to prevent and intervene ethically and legally in situations involving repeated requests for the non-consensual sharing of sexual or intimate images among young people aged 11 to 24.

This tool was created as part of the Concerted Action Plan to Prevent and Counter Bullying and Cyberbullying 2020-2025 from the Ministry of the Family, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Higher Education, in collaboration with Éducaloi.