Together since 1995
The Table provinciale de concertation sur la violence, les jeunes et le milieu scolaire (TPCVJMS) is now the Table provinciale sur la sécurité scolaire (TPSS).

The concertation table was set up in 1995 following a symposium on violence in the school environment. Over the years, it has enabled the exchange of expertise and relevant resources, as well as follow-up and collaboration on various issues presented to it by its partners.
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It is made up of representatives from provincial organizations and ministries concerned with the various forms of violence in schools.

Its mandate is to provide a forum for the various partners involved in schools across the province to work together to create environments conducive to living together and learning, and therefore free from violence. Sensitive to actual and emerging realities in the field of violence, the Table addresses contemporary issues such as the polarization of discourses, gender and family diversity, digital challenges (cyberbullying, sexting, artificial intelligence, etc.) and more.
the implementation of joint and coherent actions between partners
in the development of comprehensive tools for the prevention of violence and bullying
Share and disseminate
information on actions and resources deployed by various partners to prevent violence and bullying and create safe environments